Our History - 2010

First UNAQ Aeronautical Industry Consultation Forum

One year after initiating university activities, the Academic and Quality Council (CADEC) got integrated. It is the consultative body that has, among other competencies, the following responsibilities:

  • Proposing the rules and regulations, in academic and quality matters, to the Board of Directors of UNAQ.
  • Submitting projects and modifications on plans and study programs of the various levels and modalities to the Board of Directors.
  • Knowing and solving academic matters.

It was then, in compliance with the provisions of the Creation Decree and following the indication of the UNAQ Board of Directors, with the participation of academics and industry representatives of recognized prestige in the Entity, authorities and teaching staff of the institution that the Academic and Quality Council (CADEC) integrated and met for the first time on January 20, 2010.

Another very important challenge to achieve was the institutional planning; with this goal, during 2010, the governing body integrated a work team with some of the collaborators of the university who structured the Institutional Development Plan UNAQ 2010-2020 (PDI); which is the governing document on the being and doing of the institution, that establishes the course to follow during the next ten years.

The path initiated by UNAQ continued to attract the attention of the business sector; thanks to this interest after a year and a half of operations, the First Forum of Consultation to the Aeronautical Industry UNAQ 2011, was held. In this forum the leaders of the aeronautical industries who participated shared their expectations on the profiles and competencies that the graduates of the university should have.

Lockheed T-33 T-Bird / Shooting Star donated by the Mexican Air Force

Thanks to this information and with the purpose of giving a response to these demands, a group of teachers, approved and supervised by CADEC, redesigned the plans and programs of the Advanced degree technician which thereafter turned into three study programs: avionics, maintenance and manufacturing for aircraft; these programs allowed the expansion of this institutional educational offer in September 2010.

In August 2010, one of the most important milestones for UNAQ took place: the creation of the Inter-Institutional Postgraduate in Aerospace Engineering. An effort that led to the search for talent and international cooperation. This educational program has had, since its inception, the invaluable support of well-known national and international prestigious institutions, such as: The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), the Center for Engineering and Industrial Development (CIDESI), the Instituto Tecnológico de Querétaro (ITQ), the University of Toulouse (France), the Polytechnic University of Madrid and the University of Notre Dame (USA), which collaborate collectively to meet the demands of the aerospace industry in terms of highly trained personnel to generate new technologies. The first stage of this transcendent educational level is focused on the following research lines: propulsion, structures, design, and advanced manufacturing processes.

With this same perspective, during 2010, UNAQ actively joined the Government of the State of Querétaro initiative to gather the Research Network and Aerospace Innovation of Querétaro (RIIAQ), which is the sum of efforts of the following: business, research and educational sectors to jointly perform tasks on the analysis and development of specific projects to solve the aeronautical sector problems in Querétaro, in terms of competitiveness, production, research and innovation. On November 26, 2010, this effort was formalized by signing the cooperation agreement at the university's own facilities.

Unquestionably one of the greatest impacts generated by the consolidation of the aeronautical sector in the state is directly linked to the academic training of young students. Proof of this is the donation of the prototype 7002 Canadian Regional Jet 200 (CRJ200) aircraft, by Bombardier Aerospace company. The significance of this aircraft-laboratory for the company is that numerous certifications of aeronautical components were achieved for more than twenty years, these accomplishments allowed them to incorporate new technologies in line aircraft. For UNAQ, this historical legacy allows students to carry out their practices and acquire professional skills in an equipped aircraft with top-notch technology systems.

Equally important is the donation of the Lockheed T-33 T-Bird / Shooting Staraircraft by the Mexican Air Force, in which an enthusiastic group of teachers and students performed various restoration tasks that resulted in UNAQ’s having an emblematic airplane for Mexico in its collection, becoming part of the national aviation history.